What do you expect from your welding supply company?
We’ve been having a productive conversation in LinkedIn about what a customer should expect from their local welding supply company. It seems that most folks prefer to buy their supplies from their local distributor, rather than online stores. We are a local supplier for many hundreds of professionals in the PA, DE, and NJ area. Our goals are customer satisfaction, quick delivery and competitive prices. Here are some excellent points that contributors to our LinkedIn discussion have made so far:
- A supplier should have great prices and quick delivery on all industrial gasses
- Great deals on wire and other consumables
- Machine sales
- Machine and equipment rentals
- Machine maintenance & service
- Loyalty to their customers
As a local supplier and a national supplier through this website and our webstore, we are committed to providing the best services and prices that are possible. We will work hard to supply you with the most competitive prices on the market. If you see an item in our webstore and would like our bulk prices or to request a rental machine or repair advice, do not hesitate to call. We are at the phones from 8:00AM to 5:00PM EST Monday through Friday 800 822-3785. Also, be sure to keep this blog bookmarked for useful welding industry news and events.